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  • Anxiety in the time of COVID-19

    Over the last 10+ weeks into isolation, we understand our members are being impacted on many levels. With mounting financial pressures, anxiety levels might be rising amongst our colleagues. There is no shame in reaching out to friends and even to mental health professionals – there are lots of resources/suggestions out there, including: 1.    LSO’s Member […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on May 25, 2020

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  • Message from the President – We want to get our members back to work both safely and as soon as possible (May 7, 2020)

    The speed of events and concentrating on the dedicated efforts of our members to empty the jails and make the Courts safe has made detailed timely reporting difficult. Now as we enter phase two I want to advise we have reason for hope and we are all looking forward to getting back to work. Managing […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on May 11, 2020

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  • Message from CLA President, John Struthers – March 27, 2020

    As our volunteer efforts in the Courts over the past two weeks wind down, we offer our profound gratitude and admiration to all our volunteers and organizers. Our valuable role and commitment has been critical. However we want to make one thing crystal clear. We have learned as has everyone from this pandemic response. We […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 27, 2020

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    The CLA congratulates Legal Aid Ontario (“LAO”) on the billing changes that they announced today to ease the financial challenges our members are facing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The changes will assist our members and other service providers during this difficult and unprecedented time.  Just last week, working collaboratively with LAO, the […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 26, 2020

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  • Volunteer Court Schedule – updated March 27, 9:15 a.m.

    Click here for the latest volunteer schedule.Please note there are regular updates to the schedule. Please check regularly for updates.

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 25, 2020

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    Over the past 9 days, hundreds of CLA members have selflessly and tirelessly given their time to assist thousands of detained persons all across Ontario. Their efforts, combined with the efforts of our dedicated Judges, Justice of the Peace, Crown Attorneys, court staff, Legal Aid duty counsel and other justice system partners, have played a […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 24, 2020

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  • CLA Recognizes Ontario’s Justice System Participants and Calls on the Attorney General for More to be Done to Reduce the Number of Persons in Custody

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a new and unprecedented challenge for our country and for our courts. Leaders in these times must make tough decisions where there is no right answer or proven recipe for success. This past week, the CLA mobilized our 1500 members, many of whom risked their health and safety to assist at […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 21, 2020

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  • Message from CLA President, John Struthers – March 20

    For the past week our organization and our tremendous members have courageously run into the burning building that is our Justice system. We have secured hundreds of releases. We have advocated for the health and safety of all Justice system participants and accused. We have sought a total shutdown and remote access. Finally this has […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 20, 2020

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  • Not a current member of the CLA? You can apply for a “trial” membership

    These are special times when we need to come together and support each other. We understand that the current situation may have an impact on you financially. As a result effective immediately, the Criminal Lawyers’ Association (CLA) has decided to do the following: Current members: Members can hold off paying for their renewal until June […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 19, 2020

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  • Message from CLA President, John Struthers

    This week the Criminal Lawyers’ Association (CLA) has mobilized our 1500 members who volunteered in a massive show of support for the justice system and the public. We have placed Counsel in every Court in the Province to assist during this pandemic. These counsel have worked tirelessly to secure the release of hundreds of persons […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in News on March 18, 2020

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