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Member Resources

CLA Members can access secure information including:

  • Archives of past CLA CPD events
  • Case Briefs
  • Courts Directory
  • Experts Database
  • Job Network
  • Member List
  • Past issue of CLA’s Newsletter “For the Defence”
  • Phone Numbers Directory
  • Precedents
  • Regional Information
  • Services Directory
  • Shared Documents

CLA PARENTAL LEAVE POLICY – open to all CLA Active Members

The CLA membership fee for junior and senior active members is waived for those who are on parental leave. CLA members must identify parental leave status when renewing their membership. Parental leave is defined as leaving the full-time practice of criminal law for a continuous period of at least 90-days for the purpose of childcare related either to childbirth or adoption.

special rate is offered to active members who are in their first year of returning from parental leave. This rate is equal to the rate extended to those recently called to the bar (junior active rate) and is offered upon renewal of membership or commencement of membership.

  • Can be extended each year between February to March 31 in given year to any current active member for the membership year that begins on April 1.
  • Members need to self declare their status when renewals are issued each year.
    • Renewal notices will include instructions for members to let the office know if they are currently on parental leave or returning from parental leave before renewing.
    • CLA office will note status in individual member record as “parental leave” and the year confirmed for leave.
    • It is the responsibility of the CLA member each year to inform the CLA office if on/returning from parental leave.

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