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  • Judge-Led Intensive Case Management Court (JICMC) Certificate system

    The “guilty plea certificate” The CLA stands firmly against the new Judge-Led Intensive Case Management Court (JICMC) Certificate system designed to incentivize guilty pleas among unrepresented individuals. The CLA strongly urges its members to refuse to accept these “guilty plea certificates” out of concern for our members’ own professional liability, civil liability, and for ethical […]

    Posted by John Chagnon in Articles, News on October 26, 2021

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  • CLA Submissions on The Use of Lethal Force by Toronto Police Service

    The Criminal Lawyers Association was among a select group of organizations invited to make submissions to Justice Iacobucci on the following topics: TPS policies, procedures and practices TPS training, and training at the Ontario Police College Equipment used by TPS Psychological assessments and other evaluation of TPS police officers and officer candidates Supervision and oversight […]

    Posted by Daniel Brown in Articles on July 25, 2014

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  • Legal Aid Ontario’s mental health strategy misses the mark

    Recently the Toronto Star posted an article on a new mental health strategy announced by Legal Aid Ontario. This is our Association’s response: Letter to the Editor – Re: Legal Aid Ontario releases pioneering mental health strategy: Goar Legal Aid’s sudden commitment to improving the level and quality of legal services it provides to the mentally ill is encouraging, […]

    Posted by CLA admin in Articles on December 10, 2013

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