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Virtual Conference FAQ


Issues accessing links or blocked at work?
  • Ideally, access the conference and it’s programs from an internet network that you own. There may be firewall issues on workplace connections.
  • Some services we use to host the conference can be blocked on your connection firewall (outside your computer or device).
  • Ensure your IT team has whitelisted the following domains on their firewall: demio.com, opentok.com and tokbox.com
  • For the best possible experience, we recommend that UDP ports 1025 – 65535 be open.
Issues viewing live streams?
  • Laptop and desktop computers are preferred. Using phones or tablets may cause issues on some devices.
  • Use the Google Chrome web browser if possible (Download) and try using incognito mode.
  • Avoid having too many programs open on your computer at once.
  • Ensure your correct audio devices are selected and switched on. Headphones are ideal.
  • Ensure you have a strong internet connection (2mbps minimum) by performing a speed test
Experiencing technical difficulties on video calls?
  • Using a headset with microphone is strongly recommended as speakers can cause feedback for other members of the call.
  • Test your output audio device and microphone settings on your computer and in the service you are using.
  • When not speaking, please place your microphone on mute.
  • Ensure you have a strong internet connection by performing a speed test. Click “show more info” to see upload speed (1mbps minimum recommended).
  • If you are experiencing slowness, try disabling your video camera and use audio only.
  • Make sure your computer “sleep” mode is off during the session.
  • Limit the number of programs/software/windows open on your device. If possible, only have the Webcast link open.



For the best overall experience viewing live content, we strongly recommend using the Google Chrome browser.

Download Chrome →



Below you can contact our support team for assistance via email. Your request will be entered into a queue and dealt with as quickly as possible. We thank you for your patience.

Support email: web (at) criminallawyers.ca