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Donation/Sponsorship support requests and process

  • To foster and represent a strong and independent criminal defence bar and to preserve and defend the adversarial system of criminal justice.
  • To honour and safeguard the legal rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • To encourage study and research in the field of criminal defence practice.
  • To disseminate by lectures, seminars and publications, any theories, techniques and technologies that support or promote the practice of criminal defence law.
  • To sponsor meetings of members of the criminal defence bar and others concerned with the quality of criminal justice, to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information regarding the administration of criminal justice.
  • To represent the interests of the criminal defence bar before the executive, legislative and judicial bodies which determine or influence criminal justice policy for the various levels of government.
  • Proposals from not-for-profit and charitable groups only in Ontario, Canada.
    • Note, we do not fund individuals, political parties, sports teams/tournaments, private/corporate groups such as advocacy groups nor do we make general donations to charitable groups. Requests for funding must be tied to specific events/conferences/initiatives, such as:
      • Events/Conferences/Initiatives that are focused on the law, ideally criminal law, or
      • Proposals that support law students, recent calls and diversity in the legal profession, or
      • Proposals that help foster an interest in criminal law and in the work of criminal defence lawyers
  • Single-year initiatives.
    • We are not able to approve multi-year donation/sponsor requests.
    • You are free to re-submit a support request once per CLA fiscal year.
    • You should not assume that because funding was granted one year that funding will be granted in subsequent years.
  • We receive numerous requests each year and are only able to support a limited number each year.
  • Financial assistance from $100 to $2,000 CAD. Under special consideration, amounts greater than $2,000 will be considered.
  • Promotional support via CLA communication channels – email and social media.
  • We do not have swag/materials to donate.
  • WHAT: What and/or how much financial assistance is being requested, and why.
  • BENEFITS: Summary of benefits to the CLA for the support it can expect to receive.
  • OUTLINE: Brief outline noting why the CLA is a good fit for this initiative. A more elaborate outline should be provided where the event or initiative does not involve criminal law as a primary focus.
  • LISTING: Listing of other groups/individuals supporting initiative, including CLA members and other criminal justice system participants.
    • Official name and website for each.
  • GOVERNMENT: Note if this initiative has any government funding secured, and if so, for how much.
  • PARTICIPANTS: Description of attendees/participants in terms of:
    • Profession or education status (e.g. law student)
    • Diversity
    • Seniority/experience
    • Numbers expected
    • Geographic breakdown
  • TIMING: Date/location of initiative and any important timelines/deadlines.
  • IMPACT: Summary of the direct impact funding would have on initiative. Specifically, direct impact on the end user.
  • REPORTING: Reporting structure – after initiative complete, a high-level summary of the initiative and any relevant information to demonstrate impact of funding on initiative and its success. 
  • CONTACT: Main contact person – name, title, email, phone and mailing address.
  • Our fiscal year is April 1 to March 31 each year.
  • Groups can only submit once per CLA fiscal year.
  • A minimum of two-months advance notice must be provided for proper review and execution.
  • Submit formal proposals, with the subject line “CLA Support Request” to ed@criminallawyers.ca.
    • We will confirm once received. No phone calls please.
  • Please use the green headings outlined in the proposal requirements in your submission.
    • Proposals that do not meet the proposal requirements will be rejected.
    • Proposals must be relevant to the current or upcoming CLA fiscal year to be considered.
  • Proposals should be one single PDF.