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The Recent Call Committee presents – Court and Cocktails

Date: Friday, April 29, 2022

Recent Calls: once upon a time, lawyers met and learned from each other not through Zoom calls that were hastily hung up on. They could not hide their faces in the courtroom with the click of a button. Believe it or not, people used to talk face to face with judges, then shared pieces of advice and their most outrageous trial stories over a drink (or two). Recent calls who primarily began their practice during the Zoom era may feel left out, so to make up for all the lost time and good stories, join the CLA Recent Call Committee for our social event on Friday, April 29, 2022!

Open to all current CLA members call from 2016 to 2022.

Two optional portions to this event*.

PART ONE – TOUR 130 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N5 :

Tour the Ontario Court of Appeal and receive appellate advocacy advice, hosted by Justice Gillese and Justice Trotter. The tour will begin shortly after 5 p.m. Please note that the tour is capped at 30 people. 10 slots on the tour will be reserved to prioritise out of town counsel.

PART TWO – Red’s Wine Tavern First Canadian Place, 77 Adelaide St.W, Toronto, ON M5X 1B1:

Join us an enjoy a cocktail lounge, starting at 6:30 p.m., at Red’s Wine Tavern, one of the Judges’ favourite watering holes for some tasty food, beverages, and even better company! This portion is capped at 60 people. 

There will be a $5 fee for those registering for the cocktail event. This fee will include your food and a drink ticket for the night. Participants can order more drinks at their own expense.

REGISTER ONLINE BY GOING TO https://members.criminallawyers.ca/event-4781027

*This event will be held following Ontario’s COVID-19: Guidelines for Businesses & Community Organizations. We recommend reviewing prior to registering and attending.

* Not a current member of the CLA? Find out more about membership by going to https://members.criminallawyers.ca/joinus

There are no refunds.